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2024 Word of the Year
I have created a sheet of affirmations around the word 'purpose' for you to use in your daily or creative practices.
Archangel To Help And Guide
Do you want to know which of the Archangel can help you? This handy table is a guide to which Angel you could call on when you need help or guidance.
Archangels and Star Signs
An easy guide to the Archangels that oversee your star sign. These Angels will have the qualities that compliments the Sun sign or rising sign that you were born under.
An Invitation to Your Angels
An Invitation to your Angels is your guide, through the use of colour, words and cards, to the Angels that can help you most in your life at this present time. This helps you to find a path forward, understand current influences and discover common threads.
Chakra Colour Chart
A guide to the seven chakra centres and the colours associated with them.
Archangel Cassiel A4 Print
This A4 print represents Archangel Cassiel who is the Angel of good fortune, helping you to create your own 'luck' so you can reap the vast rewards of positive thinking. His greatest gifts are patience and strengthening inner convictions giving us strength to work hard, have inner discipline and belief in ourselves.Please enjoy this gift as a reminder to work with this Angel - keep it where you can see it daily!
Archangel Information
A handy guide listing the information associated with eight of the Archangels so that you can use the appropriate crystals, incense, coloured candles, elements or day to help you to tune into your chosen Archangel.
My Top Tips for Oracle Card Readings
This is a quick guide for getting the most from your oracle card readings and introduces you to choosing a pack, starting to work with a pack and calling in your guardians, angels and guides to help you get the most accurate guidance.
Numerology - the meaning of numbers
This guide shows you how to calculate your destiny and personality number and the meanings of the numbers.
Archangel Michael Poem
This is a full colour collage version of the poem, from an original by Angela Green. It is a great keepsake and could be framed.
Archangels and Chakras
A handy list with descriptions of the seven Archangels and the colours, chakras and words associated with them.
My Wish List
A simple format for creating a wish list for five different areas of your life, including, health, travel, home, experiences and work.
Angel Word Cards
A Christmas gift of a selection of ten Angel cards for you to print out and include in your gifts, on your trees or even under the plates to find during Christmas dinner! Leave them where people can find them, even strangers and make this special time of year a little more magical.
Angels of Autumn Poem
A lovely poem by Angela Green celebrating the wonderful season of Autumn
These are some of my favourite affirmations. When we look back or worry about the future, saying affirmations help us to be in the now and trust that everything will work out perfectly. You can print out this page and cut out the ones that you feel you would like to work with.
The Houses
The sky is divide into 12 sectors, each one known as a House and they represent every area of human development. This article gives a brief explanation of each of the Houses and the star sign that rules it.These are the areas to develop and work with in this lifetime.
Angel Quiz
Identify the qualities that you would like to bring into your life and learn which of the Archangels can help to bring in these magical qualities.
Landscape Angel Words
A page full of words associated with the Landscape Angel, who watches over all the plants, trees, creatures and humans within a designated area. Print out onto card and place them somewhere where you will see them often, or give to friends and family.
Colour Wheel
This beautiful colour wheel was created by one of my students and can be used to find which colour you need in your life right now. Dowse or let a small crystal or coin fall onto the wheel, whilst keeping your eyes closed, to reveal your colour.
Chakras are energy centres, which link the physical body with the ethereal, emotional and mental bodies. Each Chakra is responsible for an area of our bodies and resonates to a particular colour. This article explores the qualities that are connected to the seven major chakras in an easy to follow guide.
A Special Prayer
I was on a yoga retreat at an abbey and found this poem tucked away in a crevice by the bed. I have no idea who wrote it, but its message was perfect for me at the time and I would like to share it with you.
Five More Archangels!
These additional five Angels make up the twelve Archangels that I work with the most and cover the full spectrum of colours, qualities and zodiac signs.
Create a Dream Board
At this time of year,I always create some kind of Dream/Vision/Mood board or journal to help me clarify my goals, hopes and dreams. When you create a visual display, the brain can absorb the information more effectively. I have created a fact sheet to help you design your own Dream board and get your creativity flowing.
An Introduction to Archangels
This is an introduction to the seven Archangels I work with the most and includes signs to look out for, a little history and the words, colours and essences of these magical beings.